High Levels of Lead Found In Oakland Schools

In recent months, the issue of elevated lead levels in school drinking water has become a pressing concern in the Oakland Unified School District. The All Good Living Foundation has taken significant steps to address this crisis, uniting the community in its mission to provide clean drinking water to Oakland schools affected.

Since April, alarming levels of lead have been detected in the drinking water of these schools, posing a severe health risk to students and staff. Even low levels of lead exposure can cause irreversible damage, particularly to children's brain development, kidneys, and nervous system. The immediate need for clean and safe drinking water cannot be overstated.

Key Initiatives by AGLF

We have launched several key initiatives aimed at addressing the water contamination issue in Oakland schools. These initiatives focus on immediate relief while OUSD and the City of Oakland work hard to make their schools' water safe for all.

Collecting Water and Water Bottle Donations

One of our primary actions has been collecting donations of bottled water and reusable water bottles from the community and local businesses. We want to collect 10,000 reusable water bottles so students and staff can bring their filled bottles to school, ensuring everyone has immediate access to safe drinking water while at school. Our foundation has mobilized volunteers and community members to help gather and distribute these essential resources.

Grocery Outlet in Alameda has donated a full pallet of bottled water that we are very grateful for.

Raising Funds for Clean Water Solutions

To further support our efforts, AGLF has been actively raising funds to purchase bottled water and reusable water bottles.

If you wish to contribute to this cause, consider donating to the All Good Living Foundation. Together, we can ensure that every child in the OUSD that has been affected has access to clean, safe drinking water.

Let's keep the momentum going and continue to support our community's future—one sip at a time.