Alameda High School

Alameda High School's Do Good Community Closet is a unique program designed to support students and staff by donating to those in need. The closet provides necessities such as clothing, toiletries, school supplies, and other items free of charge. It serves as a valuable resource. Donations from generous individuals and businesses allow the community closet to stock its shelves with things that will benefit those in need. Beyond providing necessities to individuals, the Do Good Community Closet also works to create a sense of belonging for students and staff. Members can connect through volunteering with the program while giving back to their community. Monetary donations and donations of goods are accepted.

Donations of goods can be dropped off at the All Good Living Store at 2332 Alameda Avenue. For tracking inventory purposes, please fill out the form below.

Drop offs are also welcomed directly to the Alameda High Do Good Community Closet.

2200 Central Ave, Alameda

Do Good Community Closet Donations

This donation form is for those interested in donating physical items to the Alameda High Do Good Community Closet

Alameda High School’s Do Good Crew